Monday, December 17, 2018



Last night we visited our Skid 
Row Family once more and it filled our hearts with joy to be able to bring a little cheer to the people of skid row. We don't know their stories but we learned some of their names, They are people like you and I. Some say they do not have any family. We were their family last night. Because of your donations we gave them blankets and hoodies to keep them warm. We are so grateful. 

we never take pictures to protect identities but last night was a celebration and we got some love and and pics <3 

Monday, November 26, 2018


This year has surprised me in so many ways.
I am so thankful for a love so deep.
A Family so strong.
Friendships that love so hard.

This Thanksgiving was extra special.

Los Angeles I love you, although this country as a whole has been disappointing we cannot stop doing our small part.

xo elle.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Merch Quotes

If you would like to request a Merch Quote

You may email

Friday, June 15, 2018

Recent Projects: ALERY

Creating with my Friends is my favorite. 

So Many new items: